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Showing results 268 to 287 of 404 < previous   next >
2010Job satisfaction, job stress and burnout among prosthetist-orthotists in Hong Kong public health sectorLuk, Chi-kin
2006Knowledge management of near misses for clinical laboratory professionals in Hong KongLeung, Wai-ming
2023Label-free metabolic imaging for sensitive and robust monitoring of anti-CD47 immunotherapy response in triple-negative breast cancerYang, Minfeng
2006Main and interactive effects of green tea and vitamin C on biomarkers of oxidant : antioxidant balance and the implication for healthy ageingLeung, Wai-yuen Jason
2006Main and interactive effects of vitamin C and green tea supplementation on biomarkers of DNA damage and repairWong, Tin-che Grace
2022Malignancy-risk stratification of thyroid nodules : diagnostic utility of the ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis and advanced ultrasound imaging techniquesChambara, Nonhlanhla
2024Management of nasopharyngeal cancer treatment toxicities using photobiomodulation therapyTam, Chi Wing
2009Measurement of urinary F2-isoprostanes by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method : method evaluation and application in health sciencesNg, Tsz-kin Jacky
2010A method to determine an optimal planning target volume margin for intensity modulated radiotherapy of prostate cancerChan, Kwok-ting
2009Modification of hybridization probes to resist cleavage by the 5' nuclease activity of Taq DNA polymeraseHuang, Jie
2011Molecular and epidemiological aspects of dengue virus infection in Hong KongLo, Lek-hang Constance
2021Molecular mechanisms of biofilm-specific antibiotic resistance in acinetobacter baumanniiShenkutie, Abebe Mekuria
2024Mouse hygiene status—a tale of two environments for mast cellsYeh, Yu-wen
2022Multi-organ multi-omics prediction of adaptive radiotherapy eligibility in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinomaLam, Sai Kit
2009A multiplex PCR for direct detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia (Chlamydophila) pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila in respiratory specimensMa, Kin-chi Marco
2013Muscle adaptations in rat skeletal muscle from long term habitual exerciseLeung, Ka Chun
2007Musculotendon modeling of the elbow joint for unimpaired subjects and persons after stroke using noninvasive and in vivo informationLi, Le
2007Mutational analysis of phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) genes in high grade glioma cell linesCheng, Wai-wai
2010Nanoporous membrane based biosensor for cell behaviour study via impedance spectroscopyYu, Jinjiang
2010Nanoporous membrane based biosensor for detection of bacteria using electrochemical impedance spectroscopyChen, Xi