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Showing results 296 to 315 of 404 < previous   next >
2015Parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, calcium & phosphate in plasma of apparently healthy young adults and their inter-relationshipsLi, Man Kei Henry
2007The perception of laboratory accreditation among clinical laboratory professional working in Hong KongLee, Wan-chi Ala
2015Pharmacological inhibition of glioblastoma cell proliferation, migration and invasionZhao, Huafu
2015Phosphorylation status of ROCKII molecules after PI3Kδ suppression in glioblastoma multiforme cell lineTong, Yu Leong
2014Photodynamic effects of FosPeg®H-ALA on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positive and negative nasopharyngeal carcinoma cellsWu, Wing Kei
2009Photodynamic inactivation : a novel antimicrobial treatment to multi-drug resistant pathogensTang, Hi-mui
2007Photodynamic inactivation of foodborne microorganismsChan, Kai-leung
2008Photodynamic therapy (PDT) in human epithelial and myometrial multidrug resistant tumor cell modelsChu, Shihng Meir Ellie
2010The physical and psychological effects of external breast prosthesis in women with mastectomyLee, Sau-kwan Rachel
2015Pilot study of relationship between vitamin D and oxidative stressTam, Man Chun
2024Pixelwise gradient gan model (PGGM) for image fusion and gadolinium-free contrast-enhanced MRI (GFCE-MRI) synthesisCheng, Ka Hei
2012Plasma and urine polyphenol levels after a single dose and after regular ingestion of green teaFung, Shing-tack
2016Plasma miRNA 135b expression in patients with colorectal cancerKan, Chau Ming
2008The plasticity effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) for stroke rehabilitation through Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) studyWong, Kai-yuen
2012Poly(Ethylene Glycol) (PEG) molecular weight, concentration, and exposure time effects on its surface properties : hydrophobicity and mechanical stiffnessNg, Kenny
2008Poly(L-lactide)/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites : mechanical properties and interaction with osteoblast-like cells in vitroPow, Yu-fung
2012Polyethylene-glycol hydrogel scaffold conjugated with cell adhesion peptide for cell cultureChan, Chun Yu Ron
2013Possible mechanisms of green tea effects on health via modulation of redox balance and DNA damage & repair in vitro and in vivoHo, Kin-chun Cyrus
2007Potential for cross-contamination in the use of ThinPrep for HPV DNA detection by Digene's Hybrid Capture 2 assay : a pilot studyTse, Sheung-shun Samson
2022The potential of autophagy flux as prognostic and therapeutic marker of heterogeneous AML.Yu, Man Yee