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Showing results 350 to 369 of 404 < previous   next >
2022Screening of host microRNAs and potential target genes in response to the expression of SARS-CoV-2 derived small RNAsChar, Ho Fai
2010Screening sequence variations by high resolution melting analysis and investigating the role of opticin gene (OPTC) rare variants in high myopiaJap, Ching-pui Becky
2024Serine-347 phosphorylated Musashi-1 stimulates cell cycle progression, cytoskeletal remodeling, and tumorigenicity of glioblastoma multiformeLiu, Xian
2013Serum endothelin-1 level and its association with elevated blood pressure in Hong Kong Chinese adults with metabolic syndromeYau, Yin Fan Wendy
2010The setup and evaluation of a high performance liquid chromatography procedure for plasma homocysteine analysis and its application in determining typical values and age- and sex- related differences in a sample of apparently healthy local Chinese subjectsChu, Chau-hung
2010Shoe usage and foot morphology in Chinese children aged 5 to 6Chau, Yuen-lam Diana
2009Sonographic measurement of residual urine before and after bladder training in patient after hysterectomyCheng, Ka-lai
2010Staff dose at different stages of ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT scanning procedures in a typical PET/CT centreHo, Kin-sing
2007Staphylococcus aureus colonization in cats and their owners : a prevalence study in Hong KongWong, Siu-ping
2014Structural analysis of gene co-expression in chronic myelogenous leukemiaWang, Fengfeng
2012The study of cancer stem cells in triple negative subtype of human ductal carcinomaYu, Wan-seung
2013A study of effects of 12 weeks of green tea supplementation on oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes patientsCheung, So Sum Rebecca
2010A study of genoprotective effects of functional foods/herbs using various versions of the comet assayWong, Wan-chi Vincy
2009A study of Id-1, Bcl-2 and EGFR in breast cancer patients and the relationship to prognosis and treatment outcomeTsang, Chong-chi Michael
2014A study of radiation-induced carotid atherosclerosis in patients treated with radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinomaYuan, Chuang
2007A study of the relationship between glycaemic control and selected atherosclerosis risk factors in type 2 diabetesShum, Chung-sun Roy
2007Study of vancomycin tolerance among clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Hong KongTse, Shu-chiu Edmond
2011Study on assistive technology service model for persons with disability in ShenzhenZhong, Lei
2013A study on the hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes in nasopharyngeal carcinomaTian, Fangyun
2008A study to determine the optimal gating phase for treatments of lung tumours under the influence of breathing using biological indicesChan, Chun-lun Alan