Browsing by Department > Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 342 < previous   next >
2017Analysis of visibility issues of points cloud data based on observation locationTian, Tianyang
2015Analyzing and predicting risks of infectious diseases by geographic information scienceWang, Bin
2015Anthropogenic heat flux estimation over Hong Kong : a multi modelling approachYogeswaran, Nithiyanandam
2008The application of Ajax in web GISLiang, Yanshou
2003The application of GIS in sewerage information systemSheng, Kwok-on
2012Application of photogrammetric metrology to deformation monitoring of critical civil structureOr, Ching Yin
2019Application of receiver autonomous integrity monitoring algorithms in urban environmentLiu, Jiawei
2002Application of the Internet GIS on hiking routes in Hong KongChan, Yun-lock Luke
2004Applications of GIS for managing the indoor air quality impacts of renovation workWong, Chor-tung
2017Applications of oblique photogrammetry in urban areaXie, Ningkai
2011Applying GIS for vehicle emission and dispersion study in Hong KongWu, Jian
2005An approach to seafloor classification using fuzzy neural networks combined with a genetic algorithmZhou, Xinghua
2003Assessing positional and modelling uncertainties in vector-based spatialprocesses and analyses in geographical information systemsCheung, Chui-kwan Tracy
2023Assessing the impact of air pollution and human activities associated with urban morphological features on COVID-19 mortalityMeng, Yuan
2017Assessment of soil erosion and land degradation at Urumqi based on GIS and remote sensingHailati, Hainaer
2024Assimilating multiple-sensor water vapor data into Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model to improve the weather forecasting performancesGong, Yangzhao
2012Associating the influence of house atrributes [i.e. attributes] on house prices in Hong KongZhu, Minzheng
2014Automated generation of adaptive schematic network mapsTi, Peng
2020Automated generation of labelled schematic network mapsLan, Tian
2016Automated recognition of urban areas based on land cover composition and configurationOu, Yang