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Showing results 201 to 220 of 341 < previous   next >
2023Machine learning based methods for tree species classification from handheld LiDAR dataWang, Meilian
2018Mapping mikania micrantha using vegetation indices of rapideye imagery on Lamma Island, Hong KongHo, Jessica Evelyn
2003Mapping of earth deformations with satellite SAR interferometry : a study of its accuracy and reliability performancesLiu, Guoxiang
2018Mapping urban slum settlements using high resolution satellite imagery to support slum upgrading and management : a first attempt in JamaicaWilliams, Trecia Kay-Ann
2023Marker-free registration and fusion of multi-modal point clouds in forests for structural tree parameter estimationKhaliel, Reda Fekry Abdelkawy
2024Maximum entropy-based airborne LiDAR point cloud classificationJiang, Ge
2018A method of fusing image sequence and LiDAR point cloud for reconstructing 3D modelYang, Jianbo
2019Microscope simulation model guidelines for Hong Kong traffic before and during construction workTsang, Tsz Fung
2020Mitigation of ionospheric artifacts in InSAR data for estimating earthquake deformationZhang, Bochen
2009Mobile location based on signal strength in cellular networkZhao, Jingbo
2022Model parameterization and sequential estimation in multi-temporal InSAR deformation monitoringWu, Songbo
2019Modeling activity space using travel big dataGuo, Zijian
2005Modeling atmospheric effects on repeat-pass InSAR measurementsLi, Zhiwei
2019Modeling landmark for indoor and outdoor navigation : a case study on campusWu, Mengyao
2022Modeling landslide hazards through susceptibility analysis and slope deformation measurementsShahzad, Naeem
2019Modeling systematic errors and improving computation efficiency in GNSS positioningYu, Wenkun
2021Modelling high-frequency city using multilayer network analysisAhmad, Ahmad Muhamad Senousi
2016Modelling semantic uncertainty of land classification systemXu, Qianxiang
2018Modelling woody vegetation in Sudano-Sahelian zone of Nigeria using remote sensingUsman, Muhammad
2008Monitoring and modelling Hong Kong ionosphere using regional GPS networksGao, Shan