Browsing by Department > Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

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Showing results 237 to 256 of 342 < previous   next >
2024A performance based spatial growth assessment for land use efficiency nexus sustainable urban developmentMengiste, Bewketu Mamaru
2017Personalized 3D human body modelling and real-time motion tracking based on kinect v2Zeng, Cong
2013Photogrammetric approach for detection of rooftop illegal structuresLiu, Di
2018Photogrammetric point clouds generation from high-resolution imagery in urban areasYe, Lei
2020Plane extraction from inhomogeneous point clouds and plane-to-plane alignmentsFan, Wenzheng
2004Point- and line-based transformation models for high resolution satellite image rectificationAbd-Elrahman, Ahmed Mohamed Shaker
2008Positioning performance improvements with European multiple-frequency satellite navigation system-GalileoJi, Shengyue
2008PostgreSQL based spatiotemporal data managementChen, Jun
1999Precise determination of local geoid and its geophysical interpretationYang, Zhanji
2001Precise digital models for construction surveying of highway tunnelsLam, Yau-wah Steve
2014Precise geoid determination and its geophysical implications in Sri LankaHerath Mudiyanselage, Indika Prasanna
2018Precise reconstruction of indoor environments using RGB-depth sensorsDarwish, Walid Abdallah Aboumandour
2022Prediction and analysis of COVID-19 symptom onset risk at multi-spatial scales for effective epidemic controlTong, Chengzhuo
2022Probabilistic projections of hydrologic extremes under a warming climateZhang, Boen
2013Pseudorange error analysis based on long-term GPS observation in Hong KongLiu, Su
2016Quality assessment and control of topographic data with applications to Hong Kong 1:1,000 i-series digital topo mapWong, King Fai
2009Quality checking for GIS dataWu, Yuhao
2020Quality control methods in sequential data assimilation system and applications in short-term traffic flow forecastingWang, Runjie
2018Quantifying spatial enhanced index system for age-friendly city with a case study in Hong KongPan, Tong
2007Quantitative estimation and modelling of GPS carrier phase multipath signalsFan, Ko-kwan