Browsing by Department > Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

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Showing results 282 to 301 of 342 < previous   next >
2017Satellite detection and retrieval of Asian dust storms using MTSAT imageriesLi, Jing
2022Satellite observation and modeling of operating reservoir-dam systemsXie, Lei
2023Satellite-based full-coverage aerosol optical depth and fine particulate matter estimationYu, Xinyu
2015Scale-driven clustering of geographical point dataLiu, Qiliang
2022Scan registration, mapping and semantic segmentation using mobile laser scanningChen, Pengxin
2013The SCS model assisted by GIS in estimation of urban stormwater flood in Hong KongXue, Chen
2012Selective omission of road networks in multi-scale representationZhou, Qi
2021Semantic, spatial and temporal modelling of geotagged social media data for desirable region and event detectionLiu, Zhewei
2003Semi-automated construction of fully three-dimensional terrain modelsTse, Oi-chi Rebecca
2016Sensor web and geospatial cloud computing modeling and its application in real-time collaborative earth observation data processingXiao, Fei
2017Shape-from-shadow for 3D surface reconstructionWu, Jiaqi
2011A simplified multipath correct method for urban narrow street navigationShan, Chun
2015Soft-then-hard sub-pixel mapping algorithm for remote sensing imagesWang, Qunming
2020Spatial big data analytics of spatiotemporal mobility characteristics of the elderlyShi, Zhicheng
2000Spatial data infrastructure in China : a comparative analysis and some considerationsChan, Tak-cheung
2020Spatial distribution and morphological characteristics of lunar craters based on reliable crater detection from lunar imagery and DEMWang, Yiran
2002Spatial modeling for community facilitiesMak, Yat-kin Kelvin
2017Spatial, temporal and semantic analysis of instagram for community discovery in Hong KongZhang, Junwei
2017Spatiotemporal data modeling for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of urban heat islandsZhu, Rui
2023Structural health monitoring based on integration of GNSS and in-situ sensorsQu, Xuanyu