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Showing results 26 to 45 of 135 < previous   next >
2022Data analytics for improving shipping efficiency : models, methods, and applicationsYan, Ran
2023Data-driven chance-constrained planning for distributed generation : a partial sampling approachJiang, Shiyi
2024Data-driven distributionally robust chance-constrained linear matrix inequalitiesLiang, Fengjie
2023Data-driven robust network revenue managementZhang, Tao
2024Data-driven smart city operations: bridging shared mobility and electrical power gridJin, Ziliang
2021Decentralized congestion policies : pricing versus (grandfathered) slots in airport networksLang, Hao
2022The destination port prediction for tramp ships based on AIS trajectory data mining : a case study of VLCCChen, Dong
2020Determinants of employees' safety behaviours in container terminal operations in TaiwanWeng, Hsiang-kai
2020Development of machine learning and data mining models for port state control inspectionYan, Ran
2022Dual sourcing in the presence of quality uncertainty when consumers are fairness concernedMa, Yafei
2022Dual sourcing under supply uncertainty : impact of tariff and shipping costXu, Jingwen
2016Dynamic pricing for stochastic container leasing systemJiao, Wen
2010The dynamics of shipbuilding in shipping : an econometric analysisXu, Jing Jane
2011Econometric analyses of container shipping market and capacity developmentFan, Lixian
2020Economic analysis of location behaviour for maritime service clusterLi, Mengchi
2022The effectiveness and mechanism of digital health in patients’ medication adherence interventionYang, Hongze
2020The effects of marketing competence on customer satisfaction and loyalty in container shipping servicesLee, Chih Wen
2022EMS location-allocation problem under uncertaintiesWang, Wei
2014Essays in transport economics and policy : policy evaluations in the aviation and maritime sectorsWang, Kun
2011Essays on contract manufacturingNiu, Baozhuang