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Showing results 56 to 75 of 107 < previous   next >
2021Influencer authenticityGao, Yi
2012Innovation-oriented leadership, contingencies and outcomes in the multiple stages of innovation processKong, Hao
2004An integrated model of online customer loyaltyTam, Tsui-wa Christine
2012An integrative framework of customers' perceived discrimination and its impact : an empirical study of tourists in Hong KongYe, Haobin
2011International exchange partner identification : methods, antecedents and consequencesZhan, Ge
2009Interpersonal relationships, emotions, and harming : the role of cooperative goalsLam, Ka-fung Catherine
2019An investigation of the antecedents and consequences of team members' external learning : a bottom-up modelLing, Chuding
2019Is all that glitters gold? : the effect of product glossiness on consumer judgmentsSong, Jiaqi Flora
2018Is paternalistic leadership challenge or hindrance? : congruence effect and incongruence effect of authoritarianism and benevolence on employee outcomesXia, Ying
2019Is workplace telepressure always bad? : exploring its effects on knowledge sharingFung, Chun Yeung Walter
2012IT department's service climate, top management support and organizational impact of enterprise resource planning systemsDing, Bin Ashley
2011IT governance and agility : organizational information processing perspectiveChau, Chung-kei
2024Loss helps people make more rational decisionsYu, Xinhao
2006Make my boss happy : perceived work performance, supervisor-attributed motives, feedback-seeking behavior, leader-member exchange, and objective work performanceLam, Kwok-yee Wing
2013Making sense of grounded cognition : the interplay of actual and simulated sensory experiences of tasteSi, Kao
2007Market orientation and the use of Internet as a relationship marketing tool in service industriesSum, Ka-man
2011Medical doctors of the People's Republic of China : the profession, professionalization, professionalism and professional commitmentChow, Tin-yan Belinda
2012Medical Savings Account balance and outpatient utilization : a multivariate analysis on the impact of the Medical Savings Account in ChinaZhang, Hui
2012The moderating role of involvement on elderly participation and perceived service quality in recreational servicesYu, Yi-ling
2010A motivational perspective on post-acceptance is usage behaviorsLi, Xixi