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Showing results 26 to 45 of 103 < previous   next >
2007The effect of a Chinese translated brand name cue on brand associationsFu, Siu-fong Isabel
2020The effect of premium complementarity on product evaluationXu, Fei
2008The effects of customer knowledge process on improving product/service, frontline employee performance and customer relationship performanceShi, Jia
2022The effects of influencer-product congruence on consumer decisionsChen, Yuting
2019Effects of resource scarcity in consumer behaviorFan, Linying
2020Effects of secrecy in consumer behaviorHe, Dongjin
2020The effects of supply chain innovation, dynamic capabilities on supply chain performance in fashion industryWong, Tak Way David
2007Emergent use of enterprise systems by employees : exploring the human sideWang, Wei
2005Employee reciprocation to psychological contract fulfilment : a mediating model focusing on multiple exchange perspectivesCheung, Fung-yi Millissa
2006Employee stock option and psychological ownership : a study of a foreign-invested company in ChinaTan, Zhanchao Henry
2004Entrepreneurial opportunity identification through bisociative mode of thinkingKo, Chi-chung
2008The entrepreneurial process between social networks and firm performanceLi, Hon-ying
2004Environmental politics in Hong Kong : dynamic of government-business relations in air quality managementLee, Heung-yeung
2009An examination of cognitive schemas of middle managers' roles in organizational changeXu, Hanhua Erica
2024Exploring influences on user engagement in online platforms : three studies on user-generated contentChen, Zihan
2019Guilt trips : how nudity in advertising enhances pro-social behaviourHeijink, Marloes
2021Helping or ostracizing? Employee responses to coworker anxiety expressionLi, Diwan
2012How am I supposed to live without you : an investigation of antecedents and consequences of workplace ostracismXu, Hanhua
2022How and when does leaders’ expressed humility influence employee upward voice? An examination of self-presentation mechanismsTan, Haoyi
2022How consumers make unilateral decisions in joint consumptionWang, Yijie