Browsing by Department > Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Showing results 396 to 415 of 492 < previous   next >
2022Seeing the invisible : development of a multi-modal vision system and its applicationZhang, Tanhao
2011Shape control synthesis and shape dependent electrochemical performances of CuO/Cu₂O nanoparticlesYu, Haolong
2015Shear band nucleation and indentation size effect in metallic glassWang, Song
2017Shear-horizontal waves generation and reception using piezoelectric wafers for thin-plate structure damage detectionWen, Fuzhen
2015Silencing performance and aeroacoustic-structural responese of flexible panel silencerLi, Ka Hin
2015Silicon nanoparticle-based composite as anode material for lithium ion batteriesWang, Qian
2021Silicon-based composites as anodes for lithium ion batteriesWang, Qian
2012Simulation and modeling of flow-induced defect formation in meso-scaled plastic deformationWang, Jilai
2018Simulation of respiratory flow in human upper airway modelLu, Ming-zhen
1999Simulation of the filtering efficiency of a fibrous trap for diesel particulate matterFong, Hang-keung
2013Simulation study on scissor-like element vibrationsXue, Baochuan
2013Simulation-enabled prediction of metal-formed product defect and defect avoidanceZhang, Yin
2019Skin blood flow oscillation studies using laser doppler flowmetryChi, Tianxi
2022Soot formation and evolution characteristics of premixed hydrocarbon flamesJiang, Xiao
2022Sound absorption based on acoustic metasurfacesHuang, Sibo
2003Sound induced vibration and duct noise controlChoy, Yat-sze
2020Sound source localization and identification by array microphoneZhao, Jingyuan
2022Spectral analysis and correlation study of vasomotionLiu, Shuhong
2009Stability and thermal characteristics of rod-stabilized premixed flame jetsDrkos, Miroslav
2020Statistical patterns of geometric features of mechanically exfoliated two-dimensional (2D) materials : mechanics-based interpretation and applicationYang, Juntan