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Showing results 11508 to 11527 of 13045 < previous   next >
2012Temperature projection in Hong Kong using remote sensing and dynamic modellingTo, Pui Hang
2011Temperature variations of a supertall structure : field measurement and numerical simulationNing, Gong
2000Templates for pressure relief under the ischial tuberosities in special seatingChung, Ka-wai David
2012Temporarily coherent point SAR interferometryZhang, Lei
2003Tensile drawing behavior of rotor spun yarnJiang, Xiuying Debbie
2006The tensor eigenvalue methods for the positive definiteness identification problemWang, Fei
2019Tensors and their applicationsLiu, Jinjie
2007Terminology extraction using contextual informationJi, Luning
2011Terrain feature extraction at different levelsYan, Jingya
2003Test methodologies for analogue cores of system-on-chipKo, Koon-yuen
2014A test on a stock return forecast model : evidence from the Hong Kong marketLai, Wai Man
1996Test program development in VLSI testingCheung, Kam-tim
1996A test program generator for automatic test equipmentNg, Wai-leung
2003Testing multimedia software using Hybrid Control Flowgraph-Petri Net approachCheng, Ka-fai
1997Testing of projection formula for the requirements of operating theatres in public hospitals of Hong KongLee, Yuen-yin Rosa
2014Testing serial correlation in partially linear additive modelsYang, Jin
2001Text dependent speaker verification with Hidden Markov ModelWoo, Chi-wang
1998Text-independent speaker verification based on vector quantizationWong, Chuen-kau
1998A text-independent speaker verification system based on Gaussian mixture speaker modelsWong, Chi-bun
2012Texton encoding based texture classification and its applications to hand-back skin texture analysisXie, Jin