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Showing results 12173 to 12192 of 13315 < previous   next >
2021Ultrafast structural and functional photoacoustic microscopy towards clinical applicationsZhou, Yingying
2022Ultrafast ultrasound imaging for muscle onset mapping during its contractionLing, Yan To
2005Ultrasonic assessment of post-radiotherapy fibrosisHuang, Yanping
2007Ultrasonic characterization of transient and inhomogeneous swelling behavior and progressive degeneration of articular cartilageWang, Qing
2022An ultrasonic testing-based research tool for real-time corrosion rate monitoringBai, Xinru
2009Ultrasonic transducer equipped with a magnetoelectric sensor for weld quality monitoringCheung, Kwok-fung
2020Ultrasonic transducers for acoustic vortex tweezing applicationZhang, Qi
2003Ultrasonography of the semitendinosus muscle in male subjects : relationship of cross-sectional area and flexibility before and after warm up exerciseHo, Shun-kok
2017Ultrasound : aided laser joining of metals to plasticsChen, Yujiao
2012Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging : an atherosclerosis studyPun, Holger Hok Tsun
2012Ultrasound evaluation of salivary and thyroid glands in patients treated with external beam radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinomaCheng, Chi Him
2011Ultrasound measurement of abdominal fat index for predicting cardiovascular diseaseLaw, Kwok-sing Ricky
2015Ultraviolet protection of knitwear fabricsWong, Wai Yin
2001Unbounded character representationLi, Wai-chiu
2018Unbundling institutional determinants of innovationChen, Qing
2020Uncertainty analysis and data quality assurance in spatial big dataChen, Pengfei
2015Uncertainty analysis, modelling and prognosis for power system operation and planningWan, Can
2002Uncertainty in GIS analysis for landslide hazard assessmentKirk, Philip
2018Uncertainty of plumbing system loading estimationLeung, On Kit
2012Uncertainty-based map matching for land vehicle navigationYang, Cheng