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Showing results 6613 to 6632 of 13319 < previous   next >
2017An investigation of inter-relationships between vitamin D status, oxidative stress and glycemic control in patients with metabolic syndrome in Hong KongLai, Lap Kwong Bert
2020Investigation of interactions between β-lactamases and β-lactamase inhibitory proteins (BLIPs) using mass spectrometric approachesHuang, Liwen
1999An investigation of lay knowledge of physical education teachers in the emergency management of dental trauma in Hong KongChan, Wai-kwok
2023An investigation of lexical bundles in L1 speeches and L2 interpreted languages : a corpus-based studyLiu, Yi
2015Investigation of load side power conversion for high frequency AC distribution systemsXu, Cuidong
2012An investigation of low frequency noise and airflow effects due to wind past a ductShen, Yunlu
2017Investigation of low-density parity-check codes and decodersMo, Fanlu
1996Investigation of magnetic field interference in distribution substationsLam, Yim-mou
2007Investigation of major biochemical factors for improved carotenoid (astaxanthin) production by the yeast xanthophyllomyces dendrorhousLiu, Yuanshuai
2012Investigation of metal-induced crystallization of silicon thin films and silicon based nanostructuresWang, Kai
2022Investigation of meteorological condition and outdoor thermal comfort in Hong KongPoon, Kai Yiu
2011Investigation of micro extrusion & deep drawing processes via experiment & FE simulationYang, Bo
2015Investigation of micro shearing & micro hole-flanging processes customized for progressive forming via experiment & FE simulationFu, Changmeng
2001Investigation of microtexture in ferroelectric Pb2(Sc, Ta)O6 ceramics, piezoelectric Pb(Zrx, Ti1-x)O3 ceramics and films and a study of structural ordering in Pb2(Sc, Ta)O6Tai, Cheuk-wai
2016An investigation of modelling and measurement of surface generation in single-point diamond turning of microstructure pattern rollersMak, Chung Hong
2020Investigation of moving load responses on structures via local spectral algorithm and machine learning-based methodZhang, Linhao
2018Investigation of multi-joint coordinated upper limb rehabilitation assisted with electromyography (EMG)-driven neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)-robot after strokeQian, Qiuyang
2005Investigation of multiplex minisequencing coupled with denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC) as a general genotyping platform for [beta]-thalassemiaNgan, Pui-man Pauline
2024Investigation of nano-catalysts for air pollution control in urban microenvironments : from design to applicationLi, Xinwei
2015Investigation of new bionic materials for substrate-independent colouration of textile materialsSo, Lai Lai