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Showing results 6891 to 6910 of 13319 < previous   next >
2009Knowledge management in higher education : a case study of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversityXie, Qijian
2006Knowledge management of near misses for clinical laboratory professionals in Hong KongLeung, Wai-ming
2018A knowledge management system for managing the technology for the updating and changing of standards in the testing, inspection and certification industryWong, Wai Kiu
2017Knowledge risk factor assessment : design and evaluationTsang, Wing Chi
2000Knowledge transfer from academia to industry : the teaching company schemeTong, Yuk-ying Fiona
2014Knowledge, acceptability and practices towards alcohol-based handrub among Hong Kong special schools staffHo, Ka Yee
2023Knowledge, attitude and perception of undergraduate students toward medical laboratory accreditation : a prospective cohort studyMa, Victor
1997Knowledge-based approach to risk management of software development projectFung, Chi-to
1995A knowledge-based approach to the identification of defective equity securitiesYiu, Ding-hang John
2005Knowledge-based customization of enterprise systems for business process improvementTsoi, Siu-ki
2014A knowledge-based decision support system for managing logistics operations under risk considerationsLam, Hoi Yan
2010A knowledge-based electronic meeting system for implementing value management in construction briefingLuo, Xiaochun
2010A knowledge-based performance measurement system for production planning and machine selectionLam, Chau-yi Annie
2008Knowledge-based simulation for supply chain integrationChan, Yuen-ling
2004Knowledge-based understanding and interpretation of construction engineering drawingsCao, Yang
1998Knowledge-based user support systemNg, Pak-shing
2015L2 learner's strategies to comprehend spatial language : evidence from English major studentsHu, Yaqing
2017Lab-scale enrichment of saline anammox bacteria : reactor performance and microbial community dynamicMi, Wenkui
2024Label and computation-efficient deep segmentation for images and point cloudsLi, Ruihuang
2023Label-free metabolic imaging for sensitive and robust monitoring of anti-CD47 immunotherapy response in triple-negative breast cancerYang, Minfeng