Author: Hui, Pui Yi Aki
Title: Challenges of O2O adoption from single channel model to closed-loop O2O in Hong Kong
Advisors: Lui, Richard (COMP)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2019
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Electronic commerce
Marketing channels
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: 101 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: O2O is the next hot topic after the rise of e-commerce. However, study on O2O is merely few because O2O is newly discovered and developed, even no conclusion on the definition of O2O. Hong Kong people heard O2O because of the advanced development of technology and e-Commerce in China. More and more companies in Hong Kong would like to develop O2O however they do not know what really it is and how to adopt O2O strategy. This research paper first identifies the channel development from single channel to multiple channel to O2O model, and the latest concept, closed-loop O2O model. The four stages evolution can be applied in any companies. Then analysis of the real cases in Hong Kong on O2O development process and challenges conducted. Influence factors of O2O development found are intra-organisational communication and inter-channel competition. Lastly, implication for companies in Hong Kong is suggested.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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