Author: Xiao, Fanjie
Title: Degradation of antipyrine by peroxymonosulfate activated with nano zero-valent iron
Advisors: Chu, Wei (CEE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2020
Subject: Antipyrine
Organic water pollutants -- Environmental aspects
Water -- Purification
Nanostructured materials
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pages: v, 48 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: In this work, nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) was employed to activate peroxymonosulfate (PMS) for the degradation of antipyrine (AP). First, effects of the influencing parameters on AP degradation (i.e. initial pH, commonly-existing anions and dosage of nZVI, AP, PMS) were evaluated. A 90% AP removal efficiency was achieved during 5 min under the conditions of [AP]=0.11mM, nZVI=0.01g/L, [PMS]=1.6mM. For the effects of anions, carbonate ions exhibited significant inhibitory effect on AP removal and phosphate ions also inhibited the process but in a relatively low degree. Low concentration of chloride ions (≤10mM) performed unobvious effects on AP degradation, while the higher concentration (100mM) increased the removal efficiency largely due to the generation of Cl2 -• and ClOH-• which could not be quenched by methanol. Then, reusability of nZVI was examined through four cycles and the results was acceptable in three runs (88% AP removal). The scavenging experiments indicated that sulfate radical contributed to the degradation of AP more compared to hydroxyl radical. The TOC removal efficiency of AP removal in PMS/nZVI system was also tested, in which 52% of TOC was removed within 480 min reaction under the conditions of [AP]=0.66mM, [PMS]=4.8mM, nZVI=0.2g/L. Finally, intermediates of AP degradation were determined and reaction pathways of AP degradation was proposed.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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