Author: Jiang, Shiyi
Title: Data-driven chance-constrained planning for distributed generation : a partial sampling approach
Advisors: Pan, Kai (LMS)
Degree: M.Phil.
Year: 2023
Subject: Electric power distribution
Electric power systems -- Reliability
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
Pages: vi, 63 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The planning of distributed energy resources has been challenged by the significant uncertain­ties and complexities of distribution systems. To ensure system reliability, one often employs chance-constrained programs to seek a highly likely feasible solution while minimizing certain costs. The traditional sample average approximation (SAA) is commonly used to represent uncertainties and reformulate a chance-constrained program into a deterministic optimization problem. However, the SAA introduces additional binary variables to indicate whether a sce­nario sample is satisfied and thus brings great computational complexity to the already chal­lenging distributed energy resource planning problems. In this thesis, we introduce a new paradigm, i.e., the partial sample average approximation (PSAA) using real data, to improve computational tractability. The innovation is that we sample only a part of the random parame­ters and introduce only continuous variables corresponding to the samples in the reformulation, which is a mixed-integer convex quadratic program. Our extensive experiments on the IEEE 33-Bus and 123-Bus systems show that the PSAA approach performs better than the SAA because the former provides better solutions in a shorter time in in-sample tests and provides better guaranteed probability for system reliability in out-of-sample tests. All the data used in the experiments are real data acquired from Pecan Street Inc. and ERCOT. More importantly, our proposed chance-constrained model and PSAA approach are general enough and can be applied to solve other valuable problems in power system planning and operations.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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