Author: Fung, Cho-chak
Title: The relationship between job characteristics and employees' reactions : a research report
Degree: M.B.A.
Year: 1992
Subject: Job analysis
Job satisfaction
Employee motivation
Hong Kong Polytechnic -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Management
Pages: vii, 100 leaves ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Organization constantly tries to maximize the "fit" between workers and workplace. The better the fit, the more likely that the organization will be effective and be running smoothly. This research is a case study illustrating how an organization tried to increase the fit by adopting the job redesign approach in order to solve its workers' motivation and satisfaction problem(s). In this study, the writer attempted to find out the effect of job characteristics on workers. The relationship between job characteristics and workers' motivation and satisfaction was studied and, the moderating effects of individual difference and satisfaction with job contexts were also investigated. A factory in Tai Po was involved in this research. The questionnaire used was Job Diagnostic Survey, which was translated from English into Chinese to facilitate the process of data collection. Out of the 51 returned questionnaires , 46 were found useful for the analysis. The results indicated that workers' jobs were relatively low in task identity, autonomy and feedback from job itself. Strong relationship was observed between the job characteristics and the critical psychological states and affective outcomes of the workers. Though the individual growth need strength of the workers was not high, they were found to be not satisfied with their jobs and the opportunities for personal growth and development. Hence, job enrichment program was recommended as a means to solve the workers' motivation and satisfaction problem(s) faced by the company under study. It is hoped that this research would contribute to the better achievement of organizational objectives and satisfaction of workers in the company under study and arouse more interest to the further study of jab redesign.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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