Author: Hua, Teke
Title: Conductive magnetic and resonant switched-inductor technologies analysis
Advisors: Cheng, Ka-wai Eric (EEE)
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2024
Subject: Wireless power transmission
Electric power distribution
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Pages: xxii, 164 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The traditional wire power transfer supplies energy to electrical devices at high efficiency, but it is subject to various problems such as aging, electrical leakage, and the need for plugs and sockets, which is obviously not an ideal and friendly power transfer method. A new concept of a wirelessly magnetic power distribution (MPD) system is proposed in this work. The proposed work aims to explore the potential of non-metal conductor-based power transfer, offering a promising alternative to traditional wire-based methods. The proposed system utilizes magnetic core confining magnetic flux so that a good coupling coefficient can be obtained.
One of the MPD systems is the basic structure that is formed by high relative permeability (HRP) cores and low relative permeability (LRP) cores. This new method is characterized by using an LRP path in serial with an HRP path as the basic cell. The output can be tapped into the main unit by paralleling the low permeability path. When there is no receiver, the transmitter will go into standby mode. The main magnetic flux loop of the transmitter will also not be broken, but small losses will be incurred.
Another MPD system is proposed to realize long-distance power distribution based on the basic structure. The proposed MPD system employs U- and I-type magnetic cores to form a single-input and multiple-output system, where the U-type magnetic core serves as the transmitter or receiver, and the I-type magnetic core acts as the flux conduction path. Multiple outputs with different power ratings can be also realized.
Moreover, a new MPD system consisting entirely of HRP cores is also investigated. Though there are no LRP cores, the multi-output mechanism is still able to be achieved. Using the parallel coupling method, the system can work in two different modes. Moreover, multiple receivers can be added in the future. Setting the receiver’s position, different output power for the receivers can be obtained, which can also power electronic devices with different power ratings.
In addition, to provide a low voltage and high current output for some current conversion applications such Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) charging (e.g., 24V/48A), both inverted-mode and non-inverted-mode current source converters based on the resonant switched-inductor technology are presented. By integrating multiple resonant SI units, the proposed switched-inductor power converter (SIPC) can realize multiple current conversion ratios. By forming a resonant SI unit, the proposed SIPC can operate with ZVS over the full range of load, which is beneficial for increasing switching frequency, leading to a more compact topology. The SI work is further applied to MPD to extend the concept to develop the powering of the switched inductors using conductive magnetic means.
This thesis focuses on realizing a novel MPD system by employing conductive magnetic technology. In addition, converters created for current conversion to meet the needs of low-voltage, high-current applications are also investigated in detail. Furthermore, based on the MPD coupler and the SI unit, several topologies are proposed and initially verified by the simulation.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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