Author: Liang, Fengjie
Title: Data-driven distributionally robust chance-constrained linear matrix inequalities
Advisors: Pan, Kai (LMS)
Degree: M.Phil.
Year: 2024
Subject: Matrix inequalities
Control theory
Semidefinite programming
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
Pages: iii, 48 pages
Language: English
Abstract: In this thesis, we present approximation and reformulation techniques for prob­lem with distributionally robust chance-constrained linear matrix inequality (DRCCLMI), aiming at overcoming the computational challenges posed by multidimensional integration and nonconvexity of feasible sets. DRCCLMI seek a robust solution which guarantees that the chance constraints are fulfilled for a wide range of possible distribution within an ambiguity set. Specifically, we consider a data-driven ambiguity set which includes all the potential distri­butions sharing the same moment information. We first propose an inner ap­proximation for DRCCLMI in a general form to deal with common constraint structures encountered in real-world scenarios. The key method we use for ap­proximation is the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) approach, which enables us to approximate DRCCLMI in a way that ensures a certain level of solution quality while maintaining the robustness of the original constraint. Second, we derive an inner approximation and exact reformulations for a special case of DRCCLMI with and without support information, respectively. Specifi­cally, this special case refers to the situation where a block matrix structure is inherent in the linear matrix inequality. Notably, our approximation and re­formulation techniques facilitate the transformation of the original DRCCLMI into a more tractable semidefinite programming (SDP) problem, simplifying the computational process and improving the accuracy and efficiency of the so­lution. The practicality and effectiveness of these techniques are demonstrated through numerical studies on two real-world applications: truss topology design problem and calibration problem.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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