Author: Leigh, Soo-mai Flora
Title: Creating the competitiveness for terminal operators through service differentiation
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2003
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Hong Kong International Terminals Ltd
Shipping -- China -- Hong Kong -- Evaluation
Container ports -- China -- Hong Kong -- Evaluation
Department: Department of Shipping and Transport Logistics
Pages: 114 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: With globalization and rapid change in technology, the shipping industry has been facing intensified competition. Port and terminal services being demand driven in nature, are expected to meet the ever increasing demand from their customers. Hong Kong, as the world's busiest port and with its economy relying heavily on trading and marine transport, has to identify its competitive edge in meeting the new challenges. While the Hong Kong government will be taking care of the external environment, individual terminal operators, all being privately owned, need to play their roles as well. This dissertation therefore conducts a study of the type(s) of service dimension that a port or terminal should focus upon and discuss the differentiation strategy that a terminal operator may take by referring to the case of the world's leading container terminal operator, the Hongkong International Terminals (HIT). This dissertation contains three broad aspects. First it provides the background of the shipping industry, its history and development. It helps to give the groundwork for understanding the rationale of the changing demand of the shipping lines and also its impact on the requirements for port services. Various strategy and quality services models are also studied and they provide the overall framework for the discussion of the dissertation topic. Second, an empirical study has been conducted and questionnaires are completed by the major clients of HIT measuring the satisfaction level of the various operations services of the terminal. Regression analysis is used to find out the strength of correlation between each of Parasuramen's 5 service dimensions and the satisfaction level as perceived by the shipping lines. The dissertation concludes by analyzing the results of the research and discussing the implications and recommendations.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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