Author: 冷劍
Leng, Jian
Title: 杭州酒店工會與管理方合作關係 (個案研究)
Hangzhou jiu dian gong hui yu guan li fang he zuo guan xi (ge an yan jiu)
Other Title: Case study on co-operation between labour union and management in Hangzhou hotels
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2003
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Hotel management -- China -- Hangzhou -- Case studies
Labor unions -- China -- Hangzhou -- Case studies
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: iii, 92 p. ; 30 cm
Language: Chinese
Abstract: Faced with the increasing competitions, more and more enterprises realize the importance of establishing and maintaining a harmonious relationship between staff union and management. Union-management cooperation or "partnership" is receiving greater attention in many different countries. In UK, partnership is looked even as a potentially effective strategy for restoring union influence. Trade union in China is part of ruling machine of most communist countries and the trade unions in the PRC are not an exception. In the eyes of many hotel workers, trade union is only an organization, which organizes social functions for them. The study is to investigate the union and management relationship in joint-venture hotels and state-owned hotels in Hangzhou through case study. The paper concludes with recommendations how trade union and management to improve their relationship by self-improvement and approx union to be a "real" cooperation.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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