Author: Kelly, Peter Julian
Title: Self-assessment of foreign language ability : a reliable evaluation procedure and a remedy for test anxiety? A literature investigation
Degree: M.A.
Year: 1996
Subject: Language and languages -- Examinations
Test anxiety
Educational evaluation
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English
Pages: vi, 92 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Within the area of foreign language testing, the concepts of test anxiety and self-assessment have been individually researched from a variety of different perspectives. However there is no evidence of any investigation concerning a complementary relationship between the two concepts. This study first proposes that human beings have a positive disposition towards the phenomenon of testing, either self-testing or testing by others, and suggests that if a problem exists in formal testing of foreign language ability such as the unfavourable effects of anxiety on test reliability then a solution should be sought not in the concept of testing but in the way tests are administered. In this context professional and academic literature related to test anxiety and self-assessment in various disciplines has been reviewed, focusing on anxiety, its nature, impact and causes and the nature and role of self-assessment in learning and its reliability as an evaluation procedure. A distinction is made between fundamental sources of test anxiety and incidental causes and five predictions based on theoretical considerations and evidence from the literature are offered as the nucleus of a research agenda, proposing that the principles and practices of self-assessment can help alleviate the stress which evokes test anxiety and also provide a reliable assessment of a learner's ability.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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