Author: Zhou, Weiwei
Title: E-learning as a tool for enterprise autonomous training : the banking system of China
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2011
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Bank employees -- Training of -- China
Computer-assisted instruction
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: viii, 105 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Since July 2002, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China established the first E-learning System of financial industry, a lot of banks began to practice e-learning in staff training in China. E-learning has developed a new channel for the traditional training but there are still many problems which restrict e-learning training an effective and satisfactory method for autonomous training. This dissertation attempts to examine the application of e-learning in staff training for banking system of China. Especially, we investigate the application of e-learning system from the trainees' perspective. The outcomes of the survey show that trainees have high expectation with e-learning training system, for they prefer to have the flexibility of taking training courses at their own pace and at any time and location. They also prospect e-learning system can supply high quality and quantity learning resources to them. The survey also found that the staff without awareness in using the e-learning system, and e-learning training takes less proportion in their total training. There is still a big gap between the expectation and perception of e-learning system, in participants' opinions. Trainees deserve to realize autonomous training, but they are dissatisfied with the existing e-learning training system.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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