Author: Luo, Jing Grace
Title: Shipping entrepreneurship in a transitional economy : the expansion of a Chinese shipping company against the background of reform of state-owned enterprises
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2003
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Shipping -- China -- Management -- Case studies
Entrepreneurship -- China -- Case studies
Department: Department of Shipping and Transport Logistics
Pages: 88 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Identifying and nurturing entrepreneurial potential in a transitional economy can have long-term implications for a nation's economic development. Prior research on the entrepreneurs' trait is mostly quantitative and has not addressed a detail process of how such entrepreneurs' behaviour interact with the environment and demonstration a complete picture of how entrepreneur traits influence the development of a State-owned Enterprises (SOEs). This dissertation is based on a case study research into the shipping entrepreneurship in the Transitional Economy, to explore a successful expansion story of a Chinese shipping company against the background of reform of SOEs. This paper briefly reviews the western theory of entrepreneurship and summarized five key traits to examine a Chinese shipping entrepreneur. Discussion focus on several aspects of about the shipping ehtrepreneur such as the environment, the tasks, the organization and the person project management, risk and risk perception and their interrelated effects upon the construction process. It is suggested that open economic policies of China triggers the development of entrepreneurs' traits. This also implies that policies that can cultivate the entrepreneurs' trait will ultimately benefits the quality of private enterprise in terms of profitability, efficiency, and management controls. The approaches utilised for the research to explore this theory are also discussed within this paper.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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