Author: Xu, Xiaodong
Title: The role of personal commitment in international buyer-seller relationships
Advisors: Gu, Flora (MM)
Degree: D.Mgt.
Year: 2014
Subject: Interorganizational relations
Organizational commitment.
Employee loyalty.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: viii, 129 leaves : illustrations ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Current literature offers much insight into organizational commitment in interorganizational relationship management. This research extends the literature to compare personal versus organizational commitment and develop a conceptual framework of their antecedents and consequences. In particular, it contrasts the impacts of personal variables and market variables on the two types of commitment. The model is empirically tested in the context of international trading service between four Chinese leading exporters and their overseas buyers. This research findings show that both personal trust and organizational differentiation increase personal and organizational commitment, and buyers' lack of experience has positive impacts on personal commitment, in contrast, market uncertainty has positive impact on organizational commitment. Moreover, antecedent variables systematically interact to influence personal and organizational commitment. Finally, the results confirm that personal commitment is at least as important as organizational commitment in developing the financial advantage outcome and relational exchange between two firms such as both firms' long-term relationship.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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