Author: Xu, Tu
Title: Study on using sky-bridge for evacuation in high-rise buildings
Advisors: Fong, N. K. (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2015
Subject: Buildings -- Evacuation.
Tall buildings -- Safety measures.
Skyscrapers -- Safety measures.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: vii, 94 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Consequent to the WTC tragedy, research into the safety of high-rise building has been concentrated on the improvement of evacuation system. The evacuation system should be considered at a more fundamental design level. There are many high-rise buildings built closely together. The principle of using of sky-bridge for evacuation is involved as a solution for this problem. However there is not enough knowledge about the effectiveness on the presence of sky-bridge as a means of egress. This dissertation mainly aimed to fill this gap. The numerical software FDS+EVAC was applied to simulate the process of different evacuation strategies. These strategies were set up by using various occupant density, location of sky-bridges and combination of sky-bridges. The exact evacuation time of various strategies were recorded to make a comparison between them. The strategies were divided into two groups-total evacuation strategy and partial evacuation strategy. The study conclude that the single sky-bridge should be employed in the middle of building in both low and high occupant density, when partial evacuation strategy was implemented, to ensure the maximum reduction of the evacuation time. Multiple sky-bridges were suggest to be equally arranged in the building to reduce evacuation time. Sky-bridges are not functional in low occupant density condition for total evacuation. In high occupant density case, single sky-bridge is adequate enough for reducing the total evacuation time compare with multiple sky-bridges. The simulations of this study were ideal cases, which based on a series of assumptions. In fact, there is a lack of knowledge on the behaviors of evacuees when the presence of sky-bridges were treated as an alternative means of egress. These behaviors should be studied in the future.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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