Author: Lam, Ngan Yi Kitty
Title: Application in fashion design with chitosan based yarn development
Advisors: Li, Lilly (ITC)
Au, Raymond (ITC)
Ho, Chu Po (ITC)
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Epidermolysis bullosa -- Patients -- Care
Textile fabrics
Medical supplies
Department: Institute of Textiles and Clothing
Pages: xx, 161 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The aim of this study is to develop a functional clothing design for Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) patients to accelerate the wound healing process by applying chitosan/cotton fibres through yarn spinning and fabric knitting. The research work comprises five stages: i) research; ii) experimental development; iii) development of a functional apparel design framework; iv) prototype development; and v) evaluation, so as to facilitate the development of a functional apparel system for EB patients. The functional apparel system developed in this study combines functional, expressive and aesthetic considerations to provide antibacterial properties and enhance the rate of wound healing with chitosan/cotton blend yarn. In-depth research work has been carried out with a functional apparel design framework to examine the use of chitosan/cotton yarn and textile to meet the needs and concerns of the end users (EB patients). It is found that the yarn tenacity deteriorates with increases in the length of the chitosan fibre. Chitosan fibres that are shorter in length (22 mm) or excessively long (46 mm) will bring about difficulties in yarn spinning. Chitosan fibres that are 30 and 38 mm in length are compatible for blending with long cotton fibres. The results of fabric touch test show that chitosan fibers added to fabric has a good impact on handle and all of the physical properties of plain jersey fabric. With an increase in the blend ratio of chitosan fibers (50% or more), the rigidity of the fabric is reduced, and the inner surface has a softer handle. In the interview with EB patients and their parents, they prefer long-sleeved tops and long pants to cover the body parts and protect the skin of EB patients, while fabric with cooling and deodorising effects improve on both parents and patients' quality of life by the use of apparel technology. They use compression bandages for better coverage of EB patients wound. Children patients prefer cartoons and fun graphics which fulfil their aesthetics expectations. The feedback from these patients and their parents therefore reflect the need for functionality yet also aesthetics in apparel for EB patients.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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