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Showing results 4527 to 4546 of 7339 < previous   next >
2014Obamacare encourage businesses to hire more people ? : an analysis of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama's use of rhetorical questions in the 2012 US presidential election campaignWong, Ming Chiu Steven
2019Object detection in video surveillance using deep learning approachesHe, Chenhang
1999Object model verification using knowledge base approachLee, Wai-kit Ricky
2000Object recognition using multi-resolution wavelet transformCheng, Kim-ho
1999Object-oriented approach for timetablingChan, Choi-wing
2016Objective and human subjective evaluation of outdoor thermal comfortZhu, Tianlan
2002Objective and subjective measures of the provision of custom special seating systemChan, Shuk-wai Jenny
1998Objective measure of speech intelligibility : a case study of public address system in Hong Kong Lantau Airport Railway ProjectChan, Chan-ping
2016Objective priors under the alpha-divergence measuresSun, Dayu
2023Observing abusive supervision among restaurant frontline employees : does industry tenure matter?Li, Mengxuan
2020Obstacles to the implementation of BIM in the construction stage from the perspective of BIM practitioners: a China experienceLI, Shuqin
2008Occupational risk factors for neck and shoulder pain among Hong Kong nursesShum, Siu-ling
2009Occupational sources of stress, coping, perceived professionalism and mental well-being among Hong Kong midwivesYeung, Yun-wah
1998Occupational stress among civil servants in Hong Kong : a case study on information grade officersLi, Fu-hing
1997Occupational stress among Hong Kong secondary school teachersYeung, Hon-keung Larry
2022Ocean electric generation for coastal buildingsChan, Chun Wing
2021Ocean energy to support a residential zero energy building (ZEB) integrated with a zero energy vehicle (ZEV)Niu, Shuping
2015Ocean wind analysis based on GPS reflected signalYang, Li
1997Octree reinforced thin shell objects rapid prototypingCheung, Kin-ming
2001Ocular parameters of Hong Kong-Chinese in relation to RGP contact lens wearCheung, Sin-wan