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2022V2X-assisted integrated lane-changing and variable speed limit control for weaving segmentsFan, Tingting
2005Validation of ADL domains for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Hong KongSo, Chi-tao
2009Validation of an anthropogenic emission inventory of carbonaceous aerosols for the Pearl River Delta regionShi, Zhan
2003Validation of Chinese version of the 'cost of care index'Tseh, Oi Yin Eva
2014The validation of down regulated genes COL6A1 and THBS3 in p110δ pathogenesisLee, Paul
1999Validation of functional needs assessment (Chinese version) for people with chronic schizophreniaLaw, Kwok-man
2014Validation of gene expression (SPP1 and ITGB1) induced by knockdown of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase delta gene (PIK3CD) in U373MG human glioblastoma cellsNg, Yuen Wah Joanna
2013Validation of gene expression of ITGA7 and ITGB3 induced by p110δ in the pathogenesis of glioblastoma multiformeCheung, Hoi Yan, Jade
2013Validation of gene expression TGFBI & TIMP1 induced by p110δ isoform of class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) in glioblastoma multiformeLam, Wai Che
1999Validation of Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (Cantonese version)Poon, Magdalene Yan-che
2007Validation of the Chinese translated personal well-being index on young school-age children in Hong KongChan, Chung-man Barbara
2008Validation of the Chinese translated personal wellbeing index with adolescents in Hong KongWong, Ching-yee
1999The validation of the Hong Kong Chinese version of the Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale for the institutionalized elderly personsTong, Yuk-chung Angela
2003Validation of the Hong Kong developmental assessment checklist : fine motor scale (HKDAC-FM) for 2 and 3 years old children : a preliminary studyLee, Shuk-ching Clara
2009Validation on the Chinese version AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale-Residential and Community Second Edition (ABS-RC:2)Wan, Chun-kit
2009A validation study of a Chinese version of the Swallow Quality of Life Questionnaire (SWAL-QOL) for oropharyngeal dysphagia in adultsLam, Pui-mei
2006A validation study of Fuld Object Memory Evaluation for institutionalized elderly peopleHo, Shuk-kuen
2010Validation study of the perceived efficacy and goal setting system (PEGS) for the children with developmental coordination disorder in Hong KongLin, Sik Ying Lenzs
2003A validation study of the self-administered carpal tunnel syndrome questionnaire (Chinese version)Leung, Yin-chee
2004A validation study of the social functioning scale for persons with psychiatric illness in Hong KongWu, Ching-man