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Showing results 1 to 20 of 363  next >
2003Adaptation and firm performance : the moderating role of firm sizeKwong, Siu-ling
2003Adoption of Internet banking : an empirical study of personal and corporate customers in Hong KongLam, Yiu-chau David
2003The adoption of online shopping : a study on Hong Kong and the United KingdomKwan, Chun-kau Leo
2015Announcement premium : a price-correction-based explanationKong, Kwok Wai
2009An application of the unfolding model of voluntary turnover in ChinaTsang, Yuk-kwan Alfred
2007Applying RFID in logistics management : perception of telecommunication service providersCheung, Kam-fun Anita
2007Appropriate emotional display at work and climate for service : a multilevel study of Chinese retail sales associatesLau, K. K. Peter
2013Are family firms bad? : evidence from listed firms in Hong KongCheung, Wah Keung
2015Arousal and consumer reaction to monetary sales promotionsChan, Ka Wai
2017Ascending to the top : what can female executives do to earn respect?Siu, Mei Kuen
2002Asset maintenance strategy : the effect of asset specificity on the relational norm of networking with technical service agentsHui, Yun-yee Encon
2000The "Big Bang" financial market reforms : impacts on the strategies of Japanese city banksTakei, Yuichi
2008Brand equity and cost of capitalChing, Siu-ming Vincent
2001Brand image and brand loyalty : the case of auto-repair services in Hong KongYung, Yiu-wing Paul
2024Buried signal in financial reportingFan, Kin Nang
2004Business intelligence supports for management processYu, Tai-tei
2003Business strategy, technology development and characteristics of Asian firms : an empirical study of the Hong Kong electronics industryKo, Lap-kwong David
2004The business value of information technology : an assessment of IT impacts on competitive capabilities of business firmsLaw, Cheuk-hung Chuck
2001Buyer-seller relationship : service, relationship quality and customer loyalty in ChinaOswald, Peter Thomas Dirk
2017Can corporate social responsibilities drive customer and employee citizenship behaviours : its mediating mechanism and the boundary condition of customer participationChu, Buston