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Showing results 21 to 40 of 1069 < previous   next >
2008Agent-based model personalized learning support system for programming (PLESS)Chiu, Kin-fung
2007Ai-Times : a parallel web news retrieval systemLuo, Weidong
2008Airfreight cargo packing heuristics : a cost comparisonSuo, Na
2010Airfreight cargo planningShum, Chun-chi
1994Aligning IS strategies in a multi-cultural organisation : an investigation into the impact of culture and its relationship with SOG models in IS developmentTang, Dominic Kam-chung
2000AMCOR : an efficacious algorithm for mining cross-object relationship among very large databases over the internetHo, Kam-fai
2013The analysis of invariant repetitive patterns in images and videosCai, Yunliang
2022Analysis of smartphone images for vision screening of refractive errorsYang, Zhongqi
2014An analysis of social media marketing effect of moviesSun, Bingqiong
2019Analysis of the communication traffic model for internet of things and blockchainZhang, Haihua
2019Analysis on protein-DNA interaction and gene expressionZhou, Jiyun
2022Analytical range query accelerationLi, Zhe
2003Animation of 3D chip formation in oblique cuttingMan, King-hung
2015Answering why-not questions on preference queriesHe, Zhian
1993Applicability of soft approaches to information systems analysis and design : the perspective of organizational stakeholders in a government engineering maintenance workshop in Hong KongChan, Cheong-ping
2000Application of agents in information personalizationLee, Wing-yiu Vincent
1997Application of an Internet strategy to disseminate investment opportunities available in China for an investment consulting companyChow, Tat-keung
2000Application of ATM in Hong KongNg, Lai-sheung Nikita
2016Application of automatic facial expression recognition systems in advertisingYang, Jing
2001The application of business intelligence for banking industrySy, Nicole