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Showing results 81 to 100 of 1071 < previous   next >
1998Bankruptcy prediction and credit evaluation for small and medium size enterprises : a neural networks-expert system hybrid approachTsang, Shu-fung
2012Behaviour Driven Development and integration platformCheng, Shichao
1996Beyond automation : a business process reengineering study for the registry and accounting functions of the Supreme CourtChan, Chi-lok Terrence
2015A big data approach to opinion analysis in social mediaLi, Bing
2022Big data sharing and high-efficiency traceability for blockchain-based supply chain managementWu, Hanqing
2015Big head son and small head father : a 3D action mobile game with copyright licenseLiu, Yang
2007Binocular vision enhanced mobile robot navigationKan, Ching-shau Bernard
2010Biometric identification using contact-free 3D hand scansKanhangad, Vivek
2022Blind deep restoration : from face to natural imagesLi, Xiaoming
2019Blockchain application in the medical industry : the prospect of blockchain medical platformJin, Pan
2023Blockchain applications beyond cryptocurrencyLau, Wang Fat
2018Blur kernel estimation and image restoration methods for blind deconvolutionRen, Dongwei
2017Brainwave-based and motion-based human computer interface for disabled peopleLau, Shiu Fung
2000Branch and ATM site evaluation (BASE) using data mining techniquesLam, Lai-ching Jennie
1999Building a data warehouse for human resources managementLam, Susanna
2010Building a decision cluster classification model by a clustering algorithm to classify large high dimensional data with multiple classesLi, Yan
2000Building OLAP using object-oriented technology for financial data analysisSit, Kwok-fu
1998Building up a new user interface for an international product development applicationLam Man-fai Patrick
1995Business process reengineering : a Hong Kong industry prospectiveFong, Alex
1997Business process reengineering in the public sector : a case study of BPR on day-to-day maintenance operations in Hong Kong Housing AuthorityNg, Yuet-ling