Browsing by Department > Department of Electrical Engineering

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Showing results 273 to 292 of 333 < previous   next >
2011Research study on considerations and sizing estimation of electrical installations in intelligent buildings under the consideration of harmonicsLeung, Chi-kin Barry
2012Resonant coupling energy transmission technology and its applications to implanted medical devicesWang, Junhua
2004Resonant switched reluctance motor drive and its power conditioning with switched-capacitor techniquesYeung, Yiu-pun Benny
2011Responses of photonic crystal fibres to pressure, axial strain and temperaturePang, Meng
2021Risk assessment and mitigation on frequency stability for operational planningWen, Jiaxin
2022Risk assessment of power system security for operational planningYeung, Chi On
2008Robust and sensorless control of linear switched reluctance motorsZhao, Shiwei
2001Robust control design in AC/DC systemChui, Wing-tak
2005A robust full-digital drive for linear permanent magnet synchronous motorsTam, Shing-wai Michael
2009Robust power system stabilizer design by evolutionary algorithmsWang, Zhen
2000Robust PSS design based on probabilistic approachWang, Kewen
2000Robust SVC controller design for enhancing power system stabilityChan, Wai-kwong
2019RotLin machines investigation on their modelling, design, control and applicationsZou, Yu
2000Sensorless control of induction motor using Kalman FilterNg, Fu-sang
2010Sensorless motion control of induction motorLin, Yingfeng
2007Short-term load forecast for cold-thermal storage applicationYau, Kim-ming David
1999Simulation of remote elevator monitoring systemTang, Wa-mun
2019A simulation-based study on dynamic bus holding strategies with random passenger arrivalsLian, Suran
2020Smart charging strategy of electric vehicles for grid load valley filling in low penetration stateGao, Yijie
2023Soft switching techniques for driving circuits in wireless power transfer systemsLi, Chenchen