Browsing by Department > Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

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Showing results 67 to 86 of 342 < previous   next >
2019Daily variability of ridership and its relationship with rainfall : evidence from a dockless bike-sharing systemChen, Yuanyang
1994Data conversion, updating and integration of lis data in a CAD systemLaw, Shui-yin Jane
2003A data model for complex road network for vehicle navigation systemsHo, Sau-man Berlina
2022Deep learning for short-term bike sharing demand forecast : spatial temporal usage characterization and feature fusion strategiesLi, Xinyu
2020Deformation monitoring using GNSS-R technologyYang, Yang
2019Deriving PM2.5 distribution on walkable roads in the high-density city with low-cost mobile sensorsTong, Chengzhuo
2013The design and realization of walking through virtual campusWang, Qian
2012Design of a location-based complaint App and websiteWong, Ching-kei Eddie
2000Design of application model for geospatial data clearinghouseChan, Ho-chiu Elton
2001Design of dynamic multi-scale maps for land vehicle navigationHo, Tim-yee Angelina
2018Design of effective static and dynamic atlas for visualization of UN SDG indicatorsGong, Xinyu
2009Detecting ground settlement of megacities using InSAR techniquesDamoah-Afari, Peter
2024Detection and attribution of compound hydrometeorological extremesYou, Jiewen
2009Detection and generalization of changes in settlements for automated digital map updatingQi, Huabin
2013Detection of spatial inconsistencies in land use data updatingXiao, Shengjun
2010Determination of tidal displacements using the Global Positioning SystemYuan, Linguo
2024Development and application of a tailored gravity model for geophysical exploration of mineral resources in the Southern Benue trough of NigeriaApeh, Ojima Isaac
2013Development and implementation of GIS-based Hong Kong bookstores touring systemJiang, Xiaoli
2008Development and implementation of tourism LBS based on GISZhang, Yu
1998Development and visualization of linguistic query for proximity in geographical information systemsNg, Ching-pang