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Showing results 9 to 28 of 135 < previous   next >
2020Bulk ship routing and scheduling under uncertaintyWu, Lingxiao
2016Business process virtualization : an empirical study of performance implications and contextual factors of successHau, Kai Pun Jacky
2017Capacity allocation of liner ships when considering strategically throwing away cargoesFu, Jinjin
2022Chinese investment in overseas container terminals : the role of investor attributes in achieving a higher port competitivenessLi, Lu
2018Closed-loop feedback control of bluff body aeroacousticsSeid, Ka Him
2011Co-marketing alliance for international brandsXiao, Zuhui
2011Coastal reform in China : impact of path dependency on port governanceShou, Chen
2010Collude or compete : choice of P&I Clubs and role of marine mutual insurance cartelMin, Jie
2014Compensation for vessel-source oil pollution damage in ChinaDong, Bingying
2021Competition and cooperation among telecom enterprisesPu, Yaqi
2020Competition in the upstream and downstream market with lexicographic allocation policyYu, Hang
2009Computational optimization of mutual insurance systems: a Quasi-Variational Inequality approachYuan, Jiguang
2022Consumers’ information searching behavior of channel integration for new retailing enterprisesGuo, Shujun
2008Container port productivity comparison cross countryKong, Xiangzheng
2022Continuous-time service network design : new models, relaxations, and solution methodsShu, Shengnan
2021Cope with the COVID-19 pandemic : dynamic bed allocation and patient subsidization in a public healthcare systemZhao, Xue
2022Crowdfunding or bank financing : innovation with the threat of downstream imitation and market uncertaintyChen, Zepeng
2022Data analytics for improving shipping efficiency : models, methods, and applicationsYan, Ran
2023Data-driven chance-constrained planning for distributed generation : a partial sampling approachJiang, Shiyi
2024Data-driven distributionally robust chance-constrained linear matrix inequalitiesLiang, Fengjie