Browsing by Department > Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Showing results 75 to 94 of 492 < previous   next >
2020Composite structural batteryZhou, Hanmo
2018Computational aeroacoustic-structural interaction in internal flow with CE/SE methodFan, Ka Heng
2007Computational aeroacoustics using lattice boltzmann modelLi, Xuemin
2000Computational analysis of effectiveness of stratified cooling in air-conditioningChiu, Yat-hon
2023Computational study on the failure mechanisms of the internal epoxy lining in the saltwater pipeOuyang, Peng
1999Computer aided aerofoil bladed propeller and tubeaxial fan designKwan, Kam-tim Timmy
1998Computer aided-analysis of a two-piece aluminium can in shape and mass optimisationWan, Chi-ping
2003Computer simulation of morphological evolution of hydride in zirconium under applied stressMa, Xingqiao
2001Computer-aided thermal design of furnaceLiu, Man-shing
2021Conceptual design and analysis of a tail-sitter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)Zhou, Qianyu
2015Contributions to close-proximity method for tyre/road noise measurement in highly urbanized environmentLam, Yat Ken
2014Cross-modal vibration energy method for dynamic force identificationMao, Chen
2021Damage detection and localization for train axles based on quasi-surface wavesZhang, Yuanman
2020Deep learning-based adaptive UWB/INS integrated navigation system via factor graph optimization for UAV indoor localizationSong, Yang
2013Dependence of Strouhal number on the Reynolds number in the wake of two tandem square cylindersYang, Yichun
2021Design and analysis a three-wheel electric scooter with quadrilateral-shaped structureGuo, Huize
2022Design and control of hyper redundant multi-segment pneumatic-driven continuum robotZhao, Qingxiang
2015Design and development of bio-inspired flapping wing mechanismWahafu, Muheremu
2023Design and fabrication of strong non-woven fabric-based yarnsXuan, Yanzhuang
2020Design and finite element simulation of a novel FRP rebar connector under tensile loadLu, Tianhui