Browsing by Department > Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Showing results 95 to 114 of 493 < previous   next >
2019Design and optimization of a compact beam-based auxiliary device for passive and adaptive vibration controlsHua, Yingyu
2024Design and optimization of single-particle impact damperAkbar, Muhammad Ayaz
2022Design and optimization of tunable damper with coulomb and electromagnetic shunt dampingSun, Ruqi
2017Design and realization of structural materials with high strength and high ductilityLeung, Wing Yan
2021Design of a bio-inspired underwater robotZhang, Wendi
2021Design of a hybrid pipeline climbing robot and its IMU-based trajectory reconstructionJiang, Zhiyi
2015Design of a shock tube for the study of shock droplet interaction experimentsLiu, Yao
2015Design, fabrication and validation of a carbon nanotube-based sensor for in-situ acquisition of impact and guided wavesLiu, Weijian
2020Design, modelling and analysis of a biomimetic tail structure for underwater robotChao, Xu
2010Detection for residual stresses in fiber metal laminates using embedded fiber optic sensorsWang, Wang
2021Developing acoustic metamaterial with forward and inverse design methodologyGao, He
2008Development of a broadband silencer in flow ductWang, Chunqi
2011Development of a generic product design platform for household product designChan, Wang-hay Horace
2012Development of a high-strength and uniformly-dispersed nanoclay/epoxy compositeChan, Mo Lin
2022Development of a localization system for an autonomous vehicle based on IMU and 3D LiDARLiu, Zhuoyuan
2015Development of a nano-sized bamboo charcoal reinforced polymer compositeWu, Kai
2009Development of a silkworm silk fiber-reinforced poly(lactic acid) biocompositeCheung, Hoi-yan Karen
2022Development of a soft continuum robot system for surgical blood suctionLai, Jiewen
1999Development of an error compensation system for taper turning using ARX modeling techniquesChan, Chi-kin
2017Development of an ultraviolet-protective glass fibre reinforced epoxy compositeWong Tsz-ting