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Showing results 799 to 818 of 1727 < previous   next >
1999Implementing an occupational safety and health management system in a commercial laboratoryLouie, Tip-kau
2000Implementing Product and Cycle-time Excellence (PACE) in a multi-national electronics companyHui, Yee-nar Peony
1996Implementing TQM in Microcomputer Application Support Section of Computer Services Centre in the Chinese University of Hong KongCheung, Wai-ping Judy
2000Implementing TQM through total systems intervention : the case of an engineering companyLiu, Shui-ling Kelly
1998Implications of Singapore's experience for the privatization of public housing management in Hong KongCheng, Hang-yee
1996An improved average distance heuristic for Steiner problem in networksTang, Chun-ming
1998Improvement of maintenance strategy through automating the brake pad inspection for train maintenanceLai, Yick-keung
1997Improvement of the flexural strength of a product by computer-aided analysis, CAA techniquesYuen, Chi-cheong
2000Improvement to the multicast extension for the mobile IPLeung, David
1994Improvements of flexible pavement design in Hong KongChung, Yu-san
2001Improving inventory management by using distribution requirement planning techniqueNg, Sai-nang
1997Improving quality of magnetic resonance imaging services based on patient satisfaction assessment : a case study in Queen Elizabeth HospitalTse, Chi-hang
1997Improving quality system through organisational change & development : a case studyNg, Kwok-hung
2001Improving the performance of HTTP persistent connectionsChan, Man-kit Eric
2000Improving the service efficiency in Hong Kong investor-owned electricity industry by applying data envelopment analysis and regression approachesWu, Yiu-fai
1996Impulse testing of faulty multi-tap transformerYang, Ming-choi
2002In search of an appropriate development model for hotel industry in WenzhouZhu, Qiang
1999In-process control of leadframe transportation systemTo, Wai-lok
1996In-situ measurement of water side air-conditioning equipment performanceChiu, Tak-wing
2001Increasing the benefits of computerization in a rehabilitative hospital through action researchChoi, Siu-har Patricia