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Showing results 11142 to 11161 of 13319 < previous   next >
1998A study of transactional & transformational leadership in tertiary institutionsChan, Kee-ling Iris
2013Study of transport properties at LaAlO₃/SrTiO₃interface and its application in polar molecule sensorAu, Kit
2001A study of transportation planning model for developing areaWang, Hongyi
2020A study of tribology performance, airborne particle emissions and brake squeal noise of copper-free friction materialsWei, Long
2022A study of two behavioral finance modelsPeng, Jing
1998A study of two different chest physiotherapy percussion techniques on some physiological changes in neonatesLeung, Ka-po Andrea
2016Study of two dimensional materials and its nonlinear optical applicationsLong, Hui
2019A study of two English translations of Fusheng Liuji : from a cognitive stylistic perspectiveWang, Runlang
2019A study of ultra-precision diamond turning of optical polymersWong, Hau Chung
2013A study of unreliable narration with reference to the Gricean theory based on the novel Life of Pi by Yann MartelNicolas, Margaret J. L.
2017Study of urban geometric effects on urban surface temperature retrieval and energy flux modelling : an application in Hong KongYang, Jinxin
2013A study of Urban Heat Island in Hong Kong by using HJ-1-B satellite imageZhang, Heran
2018Study of urbanization effects on vegetation phenology in Beijing using multi-source remotely sensed dataLiang, Yushan
2001A study of user preferences for attributes of the Hong Kong Disneyland websiteYip, Shok-yuen Lily
1999A study of using economizer cycle in Hong Kong commercial buildings by energy simulationWong, Yiu-wa Franki
2010A study of using HDR imaging technique to measure the luminous environmentWong, Kwun-ping
2011A study of UV photolysis of antibiotics in aqueous solution by Cu(II)/S₂O₈²⁻Liu, Xiaochen
2008A study of validity and reliability of the Chinese version means-ends problem solving procedures in the young adults in Hong KongNgan, Sin-ying
2009A study of validity and reliability of the Quality of Life-Alzheimer's Disease (Chinese version)Chan, Lai-lok
2024A study of valuation uncertainty in residential property valuation in Hong KongHo, Chin Choi