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Showing results 12269 to 12288 of 13319 < previous   next >
2006Urban reverberation in a dense residential environmentTsang, Yun-fat
2022Urban travelers’ pro-environmental behaviorsQin, Qun
2012Urinary factors affecting renal stone diseasePoon, Ngork Wah
2002Usability evaluation of hotel Websites in Hong KongAu Yeung, Ying-siu Tom
2012Usability evaluation of schematic London metro maps using eye-trackingLiu, Zheng
2006Usability metrics for application on mobile phoneJo, Chun-wah
2010USB stick array : design and implementation of a large scale storage system with discarded USB flash memory sticksZhang, Yi
1998Use a methodology model adopted QFD and questionnaires for continuous quality improvement in small construction projectsChan, Chi-wai Percy
2007Use data ming [sic] techniques to build financial crisis prediction models : joining financial and non financial indicatorZheng, Daohong.
1995The use of a reading comprehension test for a diagnostic purposeLee, Kam-hung
2004The use of art in exploring feelings of nurses in general medical wardsNg, Sau-yee
1997The use of attitude-behaviour model to predict perinatal health behaviours among primiparaeYiu, Po-chu Ivy
2022Use of biodiesel for carbon emission reduction of construction equipment in Hong KongZhu, Yiyi
1998Use of BPR to support the corporate strategy : a case study in micromotor manufacturing companyTam, Wai-chu
2002The use of cognitive-behavioral intervention to help adolescent students in enhancing parent-child relationshipWong, Yiu-yu Carman
2020Use of computer vision and wireless technologies for automated store front managementFung, Wai Tong
1998Use of conjoint analysis to study consumer preferences on a household durable in Southern ChinaChan, Yiu-ping Eddie
2006Use of data farming for the determination of a manufacturing process windowCheng, Ka-po
2019The use of deliberate metaphors in teaching economics in higher educationGuo, Anqi
2005The use of derivatives and its impact on firm value : evidence from Australian firmsChan, Kai-cheong