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Showing results 738 to 757 of 13283 < previous   next >
2022Association tests with incomplete covariates and high-dimensional auxiliary variablesFeng, Jiahui
2015Astigmatism and ocular structural correlates in chicksChu, Chin Hung Geoffrey
1999Asymmetric homogeneous hydrogenations catalyzed by transition metal complexes containing chiral diphosphine ligands in a protein cavityLin, Chi-ching
1999Asymmetric synthesis catalyzed by metal complexes containing chiral 1,6-Diamino-Spiro[4,4]nonane or its derivativesLin, Ching-wen
1996Asymptotically optimal designLam, Sai-fun
2020Asynchronous collaborative writing: a study of the revision history of English wikipedia articlesYung, Hing Wah
1997Asynchronous transfer mode on wireless communicationNg, Kwok-on
1997Asynchronous transfer mode over satelliteWat, Wing-chuen
1999ASYNMPU : a fully asynchronous microprocessorTse, Ming-chi Jamin
1995At the threshold of elderly residential homes : a study on social environmental factors leading to the withdrawal of their applications by the elderly people for long term residential placements when their turns come for admissionLee-Cheung, Yee-lin Cecilia
2009Atmospheric transport and deposition of trace metals in remote reservoirs of the South China coastal regionJiang, Xunyi
2019Atomic scale structure variations at ferroelectric domain walls in multiferroic BiFeO₃Leung, Man Ho
2018Atomic view of chalcogenide-based resistance switching memoriesKo, Tsz Wai
2012ATP bioluminescence as an assessment tool for effectiveness of surgical hand scrubbingChan, Wing Sze
2016An attempt to become masters : the oral history of Jiangnan Shipyard workers in the 1950sLiang, Jingting
1997An attempt to explain the reasons why industrial equipment suppliers issue non-complying quotations during the tender stage by a survey of their beliefs and attitudesBrown, Walter James
2010An attempt to predict noise barrier performance using computational aeroacoustic methodLi, Xiaojuan
2024The attention prediction and optimization of operation interface in a tower crane VR simulation trainingLong, Yitian
2007Attention-driven image interpretation, annotation and retrievalFu, Hong
2009Attention-driven image pre-classification and retrievalTang, Yu