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Showing results 9366 to 9385 of 13312 < previous   next >
2011Radiant heat and respiratory droplet distribution with stratified air distribution systemCheng, Shan
2011Radiative heat transfer from pool fires in a small compartmentChan, Yui Pan
2023Radiotherapy data analysis and reporting (RADAR) toolkit : an end-to-end artificial intelligence development solution for precision medicineZhang, Jiang
2005Radon distribution in spaceHo, Wai-lan Janice
2016Rain-wind-induced cable vibration through wind tunnel tests and numerical analysisJing, Haiquan
2009Raman and optical characterization of tungsten bronze niobates thin films and nanocrystalsLiu, Wenchao
2010Raman assisted four-wave mixing in optical fiber and its applicationsWang, Shaohao
2018Random forest analysis and its applications in computer visionLi, Hailiang
2019Random laser in polymer optical fiber and other disorder optical systemsHe, Jijun
2018A randomised controlled trial on clinical effectiveness of massage therapy in multisensory environment for residents with severe and profound intellectual disabilities (SPID)Chan, Sau Lai Jenny
2004A randomized controlled trial (RCT) to compare the effectiveness of an individualized therapeutic seating intervention with the conventional seating systemWu, Anna
2010A randomized controlled trial comparing continuous oral suctioning with a mouldable saliva ejector to the routine ventilator care for preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia : a pilot studyKwok, Shu-man
2003A randomized controlled trial for maintaining peripheral intravenous lock in childrenKwong, Kam-yuk Tany
2016Randomized controlled trial of the single-dose effect of melatonin on postural control and concurrent cognitive performanceLui, Ming Fung Godfrey
2003A randomized controlled trial on the management of traumatic digital wound in an emergency department in Hong KongMa, Ka-kwan
2011Range-free and range-based localization of wireless sensor networksXiao, Qingjun
2024Rapid authentication of red wine and chiral recognition of drugs by mass spectrometryLin, Xuewei
2017Rapid detection of pesticides in honey and juice by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry based on functionalized solid substratesChoi, Yi-ching
2004Rapid detection of rifampin-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis and correlation between specific mutation of RpoB gene and level of resistanceAu, Chi-ho Anders
2018Rapid determination of drugs-of-abuse in urine and oral fluid and rapid authentication of edible oils by mass spectrometryNg, Tsz Tsun