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Showing results 4031 to 4050 of 7339 < previous   next >
2003Machine condition monitoring by time : frequency analysis on start up and shut down signalsLau, Wing-keung
2002Machine layout of manufacturing cell with fix-proportion and varying product mix patternChan, Wai-ming
2018Machine learning approach for predicting the elastic properties and glass forming ability of metallic glassesXiong, Jie
2021Machine learning approach for predicting the tensile strength of high entropy alloysLi, Bowen
2019Machine reading comprehension with deep neural networksWu, Zongheng
1998Machine scheduling problems with a common due windowYeung, Wing-kwan
2015Magnetic and fluorescent Fe₃O₄@SiO₂-GQDs-FA nanoparticles for simultaneous dual modal imaging and targeted drug deliverySu, Xiaoqian
1998Magnetic field analysis on 220KV outdoor switching stationHo, Suk-kau Tenly
2007Magnetic field shieldingTsang, Wai-bong
2014Magnetic field shieldingFeng, Yangqing
2018Magnetic field shielding for transformer roomNg, Kin Chiu
2019Magnetic harmonic gear investigationLam, Wai Kit
2018Magnetic topology analysis of the switched reluctance motor for torque improvementZhu, Jingwei
2016Magnetic-field induced luminescence via strain-mediated couplingWong, Man Chung
2005Magnetotransport properties in ferromagnetic metal-polymer granular filmsLau, Wing-yin
2006Main and interactive effects of green tea and vitamin C on biomarkers of oxidant : antioxidant balance and the implication for healthy ageingLeung, Wai-yuen Jason
2006Main and interactive effects of vitamin C and green tea supplementation on biomarkers of DNA damage and repairWong, Tin-che Grace
2003Main factors affecting the survival and development of China's small and medium-sized travel agents : coastal cities and provincesChen, Yanzhao
2014Mainland Chinese postgraduates' learning comprehension problems and strategies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityWang, Feiya
2003Mainland Chinese traveler's satisfaction with hotel service in SingaporeZhao, Zheng