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Showing results 181 to 200 of 395 < previous   next >
2000Implementation of TQM in a social service agency : to explore the attitudinal change of staff after they have involved in the quality improvement teamsSzeto, Tsui-yee Rowena
2013Impoliteness and the responses towards it in desperate housewivesLin Xinyu, Liby
1998The influence of Chinese social relation on personnel management between the supervisor and the supervisee in social welfare organizations in Hong KongTam, Chi-keung
1998The influence of organizational culture on the managerial functions of a Christian social service agency in Hong KongPeng, Kin-tak
2001The influence of parenting styles on the identity formation of Chinese adolescent girls in a secondary schoolWong, Lai-fong Cecilia
1998The influence of staff-resident interaction on the power of residents in the psychiatric halfway houses in Hong KongChan, Lai-fun Antonia
2015The integration of framework of multiliteracies pedagogy in traditional primary literacy classroom curriculum : a collaborative action research study of the use of multiliteracies pedagogy in a primary school English classShiu, Wing Hoi Cathy
2001Interaction in email announcement and broadcasting messageChu, Kwan-yu
2001Intercultural communication : the choices of modal auxiliary verbs in relation to power relationship within an organizationYip, Wai-chee Vivian
2016An interpersonal metafunction analysis of selected speeches in the U.S. election in 2016Pong, Hoi Man Jordy
2017Intertextuality and interdiscursivity on Hong Kong court judgmentsLee, Tsz Leung Marco
2016Investigating a whole school approach to genre-based student writing in the primary classroomSoutherton-Simons, Christine
2020Investigating the authenticity of the National Matriculation English Test (NMET) paperYuan, Zhe Kun Castiel
1998An investigation into learners' disposition and perceived ability to learn independently in the Centre for Independent Language LearningMorrall, Andrew J
2001An investigation into the features of Hong Kong ICQHo, Sheung-fun
2015An investigation into the implication of college English course to non-English majors in mainland China : a case study in a tier-3 medical collegeHuang, Xiao Bin
1996An investigation into the use of contextual clues in guessing among Hong Kong secondary school studentsChau, Suk-man Eva
1997An investigation of Cantonese L2 learners' linguistic knowledge with regard to identifying and producing english compound nounsLui, Fong Belinda
1999An investigation of ethical sourcing practices : a case study on Levi'sWong, Kar-bun Eddie
2001An investigation of form one students' perspectives on language anxiety and how it relates to their oral performanceLiu, Yuk-pui Ivy