Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Mathematics

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Showing results 44 to 63 of 185 < previous   next >
2005Generalized Newton-type methods and their applicationsLing, Chen
2023Global dynamics and spatial patterns of a ratio-dependent preytaxis model driven by the accelerationMu, Shuhao
2022Global dynamics of some predator-prey systems with preytaxisLuo, Yong
2009Globalization techniques for solving nonlinear problems and applicationsChen, Jinhai
2022Globally and superlinearly convergent algorithms for two-stage stochastic variational inequalities and their applicationsWang, Xiaozhou
2024Globally convergent regularized newton methods for nonconvex sparse optimization problemsWu, Yuqia
2000Graph applications on frequency assignment problems and map colouringLau, Chai-fat
2018Graphical models and its estimation in time series analysisYuen, Tsz Pang
2021Group sparse optimization problems for random fields on the unit sphereLi, Chao
1998Heuristic search for non-guillotine cutting stock problem by simulated annealing and genetic algorithmYung, Chi-ho
2021High-dimensional tests based on random projection approachLiu, Changyu
2021High-dimensional varying-coefficient models for genomic studiesNg, Hoi Min
2018Hypothesis testing for two-sample functional/longitudinal dataYang, Jin
2017Immersed finite element methods for the multi-layer porous wall modelZhang, Huili
1999The implementation of supplier managed inventory programNgan, Kai-tai
2003Index of fit for identifying statistical distributionsLeung, Suk-kuen
2012Integrable Ermakov structure in nonlinear continuum mechanics and opticsAn, Hongli
2015Integrated lot-delivery supplier-buyer inventory model with demand-driven production rate for exponentially deteriorating itemsWong, Wai Him
2023Inverse problems of time-fractional differential equations : analysis and numerical methodsZhang, Zhengqi
2013The inverted bivariate and multivariate loss functions : properties and applicationsTsoi, Sze Leong