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Showing results 12664 to 12683 of 13291 < previous   next >
2006XBRL data structure, application and searchingLeong, Kong-sang Kelvin
2022Xerogel-based Cu electrode inkjet printed on plastic substrateWang, Shuaichen
2007XFlash : an Ajax web application design framework with model-driven methodologyWong, Zheng.
2007An XML-based model-driven framework for geodata exchangeXu, Zhu
2004Xstream : a framework for efficient streaming of XML documents over wireless environmentWong, Yu-chun Eugene
2007Yantai backpacker tourism development explorationMao, Xin Sophie
2018YAPI : an automated location privacy benchmarking tool for smartphone usersWang, Shucheng
2021Yard allocation problem with time dimension at seaport terminalWang, Tiantian
2007Yearning for zaan or home : gender, development and home in Zhuang women's narratives on migration in a Southwest Chinese villageXiang, Rong
2007YM 煤業集團多元化戰略研究劉向薇; Liu, Xiangwei
2002Youth volunteering of children and youth centre : factors of the sustainability of volunteersFan, Yiu-cheun Sunny
2017Zone design using graph partitioning algorithm with multiple criteria, a EDA-based zone designChan, Ho-chiu Elton
2019“一带一路” 倡议下职业人才培养的研究黄利元; Huang, Liyuan
2016一朝天子一朝臣 : 下属逢迎行为能否促进与新领导的关系以及获得新领导更高评价并升迁?秦帅; Qin, Shuai
2021一致性评价政策对中国医药上市公司创新绩效的影响研究张英杰; Zhang, Yingjie
2014一项关于病人对医生信任的前因与后果研究 : 医生情感传递行为的作用张延武; Zhang, Yanwu
2014丁译《万国公法》研究杨 焯; Yang, Zhuo
2011三亚酒店业的机遇与挑战王石海; Wang, Shihai
2009上海偏差青少年邊緣化的社會互動過程研究 : 以青少年社區服刑人員為例費梅苹; Fei, Meiping
2007上海单体与连锁经济型酒店组织结构研究李黎華; Li, Lihua