Browsing by Degree > DFinTech

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
2022Applications and implications of real estate tokenization – a Hong Kong studyWong, Man Wa
2022Can central bank digital currency achieve the optimal negative interest rate policy?Lee, Yuen Hung Kevin
2024Can retail investors armed with social media cause big waves? The case of meme stocks during COVID-19Lui, Jonathan
2024Digital marketing revolution : the disruptive effect of ai tools on content creation ‒ an analysis of AI-generated content in social media advertising in ChinaPao, Bill
2022Digital transformation in the venture capital industry : theory and practiceLee, Tsz Ching
2024Does innovation drive IPO? Evidence from SMEs on new OTC market becoming listed companiesYin, Li
2022An empirical study of the key success factors of leveraging the technology-organization-environment framework to examine the adoption of blockchain based service platforms in the greater bay areaWong, Kit Cheung Paul
2024Examine the benefits and challenges in the adoption of blockchain technology and real-world asset tokenization to SME financingWang, Shitao
2024An exploratory study on leveraging the toe framework to explore the CSF of the commercial data interchange platform and multi-methodological approach to research using ChatGPTHengky
2024Impact of CEO characteristics on firm performance in the fintech industry over the COVID-19 periodLi, Chi King
2024In what way can decentralized finance reinvent a supply chain ecosystem? A study of progressive DeFi solution for SME-based supply chain in Hong KongWong, Wai Shan
2022Machine learning for financial analystsCui, Yi
2024NFT social platform-as-a-service : a solution to improving the traditional art market ecosystemLi, Linyi
2022Predicting company sales with transactional E-receipts : aggregated and disaggregated dataHuang, He
2024A preliminary idea about “Hong Kong resident carbon accounts” carbon information platform solutionChen, Xian
2024A proposed privacy-preserving platform as a data sharing solution in the financial fieldHuang, Zhangcheng
2023PRS-CASS : towards a personalized recommender system for college admission systems with scholarshipsZheng, Shenggang
2024Research on the influence and influence mechanism of ICT on the overall development of inclusive finance in underdeveloped areas of ChinaZhang, Yuebo
2024The short-run and long-run effects of financial firms acquiring technology targets : evidence from around the worldWei, Lucy
2023Smart way of digital consumer finance : alternative credit scoring and targeting strategy for competitive advantagesChau, Wing Hei