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Showing results 393 to 412 of 1071 < previous   next >
1996An expert system for the reallocation of orphan policies in an insurance companyLam, Ying-wai, Alan
2000Expert system in general medical diagnosisChan, Siu-wan
1997An expert system on R&D project selectionWong, Shiu-wah Williamson
1997An expert system prototype for advising the acceptability of insurance applicationsChe, Yin-hong Patrick
1997Expert system prototype for export credit approval under the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance CorporationIp, Yee-cheung
1997An expert system prototype for the assessment of the degree of difficulty of topographical survey tasksChow, Kwan-lam
1993Expert systems : the threshold of improving effectiveness in building construction cost estimatingChan, Chi-kai
2018Exploiting software-defined networks : DoS attacks and security enhancementGao, Shang
1998Exploration on using Internet as a solution to information dissemination system in the Hong Kong Stock MarketAu, Hon-ming Thomas
1996An exploratory study on the perception of senior executives of IT usage and IS planning in student affairs offices of tertiary institutions in Hong KongChan, Yiu-hung
2024Explore semantic-channel correlation for multi-label zero-shot learningLiu, Ziming
2011Exploring children's usage on tangible computational construction platforms : hands-on learning through functionality, crafts and storiesLau, Wing-yiu
2023Exploring efficient feature extractor and label assigner for object detectionLi, Shuai
2019Exploring ethereum nodes and transactionsWang, Yongxin
2024Exploring spatiotemporal consistency and unified frameworks for video segmentationLi, Minghan
2024Exploring text summarization beyond news articlesYuan, Ruifeng
2024Exploring the effective utilization of text priors for scene text image super-resolutionMa, Jianqi
2015Extended ELM-based architectures and techniques for fast learning of feature interaction and intervals from dataLi, Yingjie
2001Extended predictive model markup languageLau, Tze-wah
2007An extension of the crisp ontology for uncertain information modeling : fuzzy ontology mapLam, Ho-wang Toby